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Handrail Standards, Open Metal Flooring, Gates & Stair Treads
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We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and on our standard or service
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UK Manufactured Handrail Standards, Solid Welded Standards & Self-Closing Gates
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Handrail Standards Manufacturers, Solid Welded Standards & Self-Closing Gates.

We are also fabricators of Open Steel Flooring, Stairtreads and other associated products.

OSF Limited offers all the quality assurance requirements you need. Our products and manufacturing processes are certified to EN1090 and independently tested to EN14122, BS6180 and BS4592. We fully satisfy the European Construction Products Regulations and provide CE Marked Declaration of Performance with all the products we supply.

All our products are subject to independent 3rd party testing and quality audited by UKAS accredited Notified Bodies.

